adult dance classes

It's Never Too Late: Ballroom Dancing is for Everyone

It's Never Too Late: Ballroom Dancing is for Everyone

You're not alone. Many adults are now taking up ballroom dancing even well into retirement age so you won't be the only one in your class.

Have Fun With our Adult Social Dance

Have Fun With our Adult Social Dance

Dancing is a wonderful form of entertainment. It's fun even if you don't have technical training. Anyone who gets out on the floor, and moves their feet, will have a blast. Our adult social dance is an awesome way to experience dance while meeting new people and creating new friendships. Come enjoy the amazing music and lighthearted atmosphere. 

Gotta Dance! Lessons For Adults

Have you seen the Public Broadcasting Service special “That’s Entertainment” with dancing by the past masters?  Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelley, Ann Miller, Danny Kaye and more grace the screen with their flamboyant dancing

Get Ready for Warmer Weather with Dance Lessons for Adults

If you are looking forward to saying goodbye to the winter blahs and are ready to welcome in the summer weather, it's time to do a little something for you. If you take dance lessons for adults, you can be even more ready for the warmer weather!