dance lessons for wedding

We’re Engaged! When Should We Start Wedding Dance Lessons? 

We’re Engaged! When Should We Start Wedding Dance Lessons? 

Congratulations on your engagement!! We love working with newly engaged couples to help them choreograph their first dance. We can also help choreograph the daughter and father dance, mother and son dance, or any other special wedding day dance. There are several reasons that we suggest getting started with your wedding day dance lesson early.

Prepare for a Wedding By Taking Wedding Dance Lessons

Prepare for a Wedding By Taking Wedding Dance Lessons

Most wedding receptions include dancing. But if you don’t know how to dance, you can miss out on the fun or feel embarrassed about your lack of dancing skills. If you don’t know how to dance, why not consider taking wedding dance lessons.

Wedding Dance Lessons: Impress Your Spouse To-Be

Wedding Dance Lessons: Impress Your Spouse To-Be

Congrats! You're wedding is coming up and you're preparing for the big day. You've got the venue, the DJ, and your first song picked out. But are you dreading what happens after that? When the moves aren't just as easy as swaying your partner back and forth? Take wedding dance lessons with Quick Quick Slow! We can help you find your groove to get you just where you should be--moving on the dance floor at your own wedding

Avoid Anxiety with Dance Lessons for Your Wedding

While they are supposed to be treasured moments at your wedding, the first dance, the father/daughter dance, and the mother/son dance may be moments you are dreading about your wedding if you don't know how to dance

3 Reasons to Choose Dance Lessons Before Your Wedding

The weeks and months leading up to your wedding are busy, hectic, and filled with activity. Dance lessons for your wedding sounds like just one more thing added to an already-full plate. There are, however, several reasons why this special addition to your wedding will make this time better for both of you.

Prepare for that Special Day with Wedding Dance Lessons

A beautiful ceremony, a lovely toast, delicious food, and enjoyable company, all of that can seem to get lost in the frequent anxiety a couple face when they are staring down the horror that is the first dance.

Ballroom Dancing Decoded: What the Couple's First Dance Reveals About Them

The first dance between the bride and groom is one of the most memorable events of the wedding reception. It reflects not only the journey of their relationship but it also reveals their hopes for the marriage itself. However, creating a memorable dance to convey all these nuances goes beyond merely picking the right song.

Put Some "Spring" in Your Step With Wedding Dance Lessons

Ladies and gentlemen, the spring wedding season is upon us. Traditionally, music and dancing play a starring role in most weddings. Couples choose meaningful, sentimental pieces for their ceremonies and, whether they hire a live band or a DJ, they usually want reception music that reflects their personalities.

Wedding Dance Lessons - Are You Up To Date?

Your daughter is getting married this spring!!!

You know, as her Father, you will be expected to dance with her and right after her big dance, with her new Husband. Can you stack up?

You may want to get in a few wedding dance lessons, at Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio, just to be sure you're as light on your feet as you used to be!