adult dance lessons

Break in Your Dance Shoes and Break Up with Online Dating

Break in Your Dance Shoes and Break Up with Online Dating

We spend a lot of time perfecting our online dating profiles. If you'd invested the same amount of time learning to dance with others, you'd have flocks of people wanting to be your dance partner. What's a more valuable investment for you? 

Most ballroom students seek something deeper on the dance floor than learning moves. Many want to make connections with other people. Here are some reminders about why the dance floor provides an easier way to bond with someone as opposed to the internet.   

From Ball and Ballare: Ballroom dancing

From Ball and Ballare: Ballroom dancing

Before Dancing With the Stars, there was Dancing Before the Court. Derived from folk dances and performed by the European elite in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, court dances required dancers to face the throne while dancing. Considered unacceptable to turn one’s back on a ruler, this became known as “fronting the state”

Pursue Your Passion: Taking Ballroom Dance Lessons

Pursue Your Passion: Taking Ballroom Dance Lessons

Ballroom dancing has always had a way of capturing an audience. From the days of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers to the more modern, Dancing with the Stars, there has always been something appealing about gliding across the floor while being swept away by the music.

Tired of Online Dating? Try Social Dancing Instead!

Tired of Online Dating? Try Social Dancing Instead!

It's an online world, and today's singles are expected to navigate it in order to find love. But what if you're the old-fashioned type who prefers to meet a partner face to face? Or what if online dating just isn't working for you? Social dance might be the right answer

The Multiple Benefits of Ballroom Dance Lessons for Adults

The Multiple Benefits of Ballroom Dance Lessons for Adults

Ballroom dancing has exploded across the country...People embrace ballroom dancing to meet new people, learn a new hobby, get out of the house, embrace social well-being, and improve physical and mental health.

Self-Conscious About Social Dancing? Dance Lessons Can Help!

Self-Conscious About Social Dancing? Dance Lessons Can Help!

Have you always been the wallflower at every dance and event? Have you always wondered how all of your friends had the nerve to get out and dance? Have you always wished that you were one of the ones on the dance floor, having a ball, but you just felt too nervous to get out there?

Gotta Dance! Lessons For Adults

Have you seen the Public Broadcasting Service special “That’s Entertainment” with dancing by the past masters?  Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Gene Kelley, Ann Miller, Danny Kaye and more grace the screen with their flamboyant dancing

It's Never Too Late! Adult Dance Lessons for Everyone

It's Never Too Late! Adult Dance Lessons for Everyone

It is a common experience for dance teachers to meet adults who express their regret for never having learned how to dance and truly believe that they would never be able to learn. This is heartbreaking, because anyone, no matter the age or ability, can dance! At Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio, we want those adults who have always desired but never thought they were able to dance to feel welcome in our adult dance lessons.

Get Ready for Warmer Weather with Dance Lessons for Adults

If you are looking forward to saying goodbye to the winter blahs and are ready to welcome in the summer weather, it's time to do a little something for you. If you take dance lessons for adults, you can be even more ready for the warmer weather!

Dance through the Holidays with Adult Dance Lessons

Treat yourself or someone else to the special gift of adult dance lessons. The holiday season is upon us, and it is the perfect time to learn some new moves. With office Christmas parties and New Year’s Eve events coming soon, learning to dance or helping someone else learn how, has never been a better idea.

Dance - No Excuses!

Why is it that most people quit exercising?   For every excuse, we'll give you a reason why dancing is the answer.  

  • First thing: Time.  There's not enough of it.  How is it possible to squeeze another thing into an already over-extended schedule?...