healthy active lifestyle

New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

Now that 2020 has been heralded in, it's time to take those resolutions out of the drawer and give them another look.  What was on your list?  Get fit?  Lose weight?  Be more social?  Learn new things?  Have more confidence?  Probably one or more of these things are either on your list or in your head.  What if you could take care of all of these resolutions at once?  Ballroom dancing just may be your answer.

Have you lost it? Find the fun side of life

Have you lost it? Find the fun side of life

There's a certain age when we - you, me, everyone - start to review life and wonder if we've made the right choices. This could be prompted by the proverbial red sports car or a shift in relationships, but it happens to everyone of a certain age. It's nothing to be afraid of, yet what often happens is we realize that our lives have become more responsibility than fun. Where did the fun go? 

The Best Foods to Benefit Your Dancing

The Best Foods to Benefit Your Dancing

When it comes to ballroom dancing, we cannot leave out the best way to keep your body slim and trim and your feet ready to glide! Diet and exercise are some of the most important aspects of ballroom dancing. Here are the best foods dancers can benefit from.

3 Ways Ballroom Dancing Benefits Your Mental Health 

3 Ways Ballroom Dancing Benefits Your Mental Health 

When the discussion of mental health arises, far too many people dismiss it as something that only someone with some sort of diagnosed illness needs to be concerned about. But the reality is that everyone should make a point to prioritize their mental health just as they would prioritize their physical health. In this post, we'll look at three ways ballroom dancing does wonders for your mental health

Building Confidence Through Ballroom Dance

Building Confidence Through Ballroom Dance

Anxiety, feelings of inferiority, and a lack of confidence is something we all experience from time to time. As kids or adults, it can be hard to deal with these feelings, so finding a way to overcome them and build up your self-esteem is a good idea for a happier life. That's where ballroom dance comes in

Ballroom Dancing Is Nixing Anxiety One Step At A Time

Ballroom Dancing Is Nixing Anxiety One Step At A Time

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), anxiety affects 18 million adults. This means over eighteen percent of the population suffers from some type of anxiety disorder, making it the most prevalent mental affliction in the United States.

Ready to Dance: Essential Stretches for Social Dancers

Ready to Dance: Essential Stretches for Social Dancers

Social dance is increasingly popular these days, and any practitioner will readily explain why. It affords us fun, conviviality, creative expression, and the world's best excuse to exercise. But with any physical activity comes the unfortunate potential for injury. Obviously, no one wants to have to sit out the next dance

Ballroom Dance Helps Make the World Go 'Round

Ballroom Dance Helps Make the World Go 'Round

If you are a practitioner of ballroom dance, or aspire to become one soon, you probably already know that from the lindy hop to the cha cha, dance is much more than just cutting a rug. The health benefits are widely publicized, but take a moment to consider the ways in which dance can actually help society, as well

Dance Your Way Back to Youthfulness

Dance Your Way Back to Youthfulness

Forgetfulness is something that creeps up on all of us at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, this is something that most often gets worse as the years go by. The older we become, the more likely we are to forget, and the brain just doesn't work like it used to

Top Health Benefits Associated with Ballroom Dancing

Top Health Benefits Associated with Ballroom Dancing

Though ballroom dancing isn't quite considered a sport in the traditional sense like basketball or tennis, the health benefits provided are still tangible. It's much less physical and low impact compared to most exercises, so it's more likely to leave you free from any serious dings or heavy sores. And best of all, it's fun

Ballroom Dancing, Better Medicine than Laughing

Ballroom Dancing, Better Medicine than Laughing

We all want to be better, more effective adults, and invest time and research into finding the right activities to develop skills and strengths. From language learning to sports, to painting and drama, there are a wide variety of activities to choose from

Healthy Living with Ballroom Dancing

We all know we need to exercise but working out at a gym can be intimidating, boring or expensive. Plus, with all equipment, the weights and all the different advice on working out, it’s hard to know what to do. But imagine if you could get the recommended amount of exercise, stay injury free and see results without ever having to walk into another gym.