The Best Foods to Benefit Your Dancing

Best Foods to Benefit Your Dancing - Foods to Benefit Your Dancing - Healhy eating concept

The Best Foods to Benefit Your Dancing

When it comes to ballroom dancing, we cannot leave out the best way to keep your body slim and trim and your feet ready to glide! Diet and exercise are some of the most important aspects of ballroom dancing. Here are the best foods dancers can benefit from. Your caloric intake is what can help keep your energy high so you can continue those smooth moves. On the top of the list are carbohydrates. Carbs are what give you strength for keeping your muscles ready to move. Healthy carbs are derived from potatoes, grains, root vegetables, beans, and whole grain pastas. Stay away from unhealthy, heavy carbs such as cake and donuts. That's not to say you can't ever consume a piece of cake or donut occasionally, but keep it in moderation.

Proteins, fats, and hydration as well as vitamins and minerals help to give your body the fuel and strength it needs to continue dancing as well. A low carb diet and high in protein can do you more damage than good due to the fact that not enough carbs can cause muscle loss and too much protein can cause problems with bone density. Remember to keep these two in balance. 

Good fats such as dairy, olive oil, fish, nuts, and avocados should be the second most important food in your diet. Remember that processed foods and saturated fats do not go along with healthy fats. Fat helps to keep your body fueled properly so that you have energy to burn while you gracefully move over the dance floor.

Proteins should be the third most important food in your diet as a dancer. The best proteins are derived from nuts, lean meats like chicken and fish, legumes, and dairy. Protein shakes, protein powder and adding protein ingredients to your favorite recipes can enhance your intake. Protein will help you build strong muscles and regeneration of cells in your body. 

Don't forget vitamins and minerals which are vital to your diet as well. Many dark leafy greens, fruits and vegetables of all kinds carry these nutritious benefits to your body. Because injury is often common with dancing, it is highly important you have a regular intake of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to heal muscles and injured bones.  Calcium, Magnesium and vitamin D work together to create strong bones and muscles. Vitamins and minerals are most often found in the plants and vegetables we eat. Vitamin C is great for your immune system keeping you strong, energetic and healthy for the dance floor. Many other vitamins and minerals will help to benefit your dancing experience. Make sure you are consuming enough fruits and vegetables daily to help you reap these benefits. 

Hydration is key when keeping your body going during any strenuous activities. Throughout your warm-ups and dancing be sure to continually consume enough water to replenish your body. Fluids such as coffee and tea are diuretics and can cause dehydration so it is best to steer clear of these while dancing. Fruit juices can be ok but you want to limit the amount of sugar you are taking in. Try electrolyte infused waters or vitamin waters. Best of all of course is pure water.

Eating healthy is easy and delicious and if you are passionate about your dancing, you should be just as passionate about your diet and health. Stay strong, keep up your healthy diet and see how well your dance moves improve. For more information contact us!