Five reasons to love social dancing

Social dancing is a great way to meet new people, learn the art of dancing with a partner, and exercise.

Social dancing is a great way to meet new people, learn the art of dancing with a partner, and exercise.

Social dancing is usually enjoyed by couples, groups or individuals. It's not a set type of dance, and it's practiced, for example, by dancing solo at a dance club or dancing with a partner in a ballroom class. Dancing is good for the mind and the body and the best's fun!

Here are five reasons to LOVE social dancing:

  • You can learn to dance with a partner-Do you need to bring a friend, or your boyfriend/girlfriend, husband or wife to a social dance lesson such as ballroom, swing, salsa or country dancing? Not necessarily. There will be guys and girls there already, also wanting to learn how to dance a certain style of dance offered in the class. 
  • It's a great way to meet new people-Dancing, whether in a night club or in a dance studio, brings people together. It's guaranteed fun and people usually feel good about themselves when they dance, so it's not hard to smile when dancing, and this attracts people to you. If you're looking for romance, dancing exudes romance. If you are looking for friendship, dance inspires crowds and brings like-minded people together.
  • Dancing is a great form of exercise-Why sit on your couch when you can dance? Dancing is one of the best calorie burners around. When you're moving and grooving, you're also shedding inches! Some dances help you to lose weight, and other dances help you become more flexible and get more toned. Overall, dancing is healthy for your body. It can also help your heart, muscles and coordination.
  • It brings out the little kid in you-When you dance, you feel free! Isn't this similar to how you felt as a young child? There weren't as many cares in the world and you didn't care how you looked. If you made a mistake on the dance floor or anywhere else, it was usually celebrated. 
  • Can you feel the beat? Dancing of course involves music. When you are dancing to a song you love, it feels like the best thing ever. You feel on top of the world and this is a gift since we don't always feel that confidence in the day-to-day grind. 

So, how about a dance? Contact us to enjoy and experience the magic of social dancing.