Songs to Avoid When Planning Your Father-Daughter Dance

Woman and father looking for wedding songs on a laptop for the father-daughter dance

Father-Daughter Dance

So much of a memorable wedding dance begins with picking the right song. When it comes to your partner, you can probably narrow your list of perfect love songs pretty easily. But finding the right words to express your relationship with your father can be a bit more tricky.

Past weddings, friends, and the Internet can be full of inspiration but you should always make sure you listen carefully before finalizing your pick. These songs are ones we've heard played at weddings that probably should have been reconsidered.

John Mayer Wasn't Singing About A Happy Relationship

The beautiful melody and catchy chorus of Daughters have made it a popular choice at weddings in the last couple of decades. Unfortunately, the depiction of a father who walked out on his wife and family is often overlooked. Fathers are being asked to be good to their daughters because the particular daughter being sung about struggles in her adult relationships because "she saw him [her father] walking away" and she was "left cleaning up the mess he made."

You Are Not Your Father's Tiny Dancer

While this Elton John song is admittedly classic for a reason, the relationship described is totally inappropriate for a father and daughter. Feel free to play it but don't make it a focal point of your reception.

Kelly Wasn't Giving A Father The Kind Of Credit He Wants

If you listen carefully Kelly Clarkson was attributing some pretty sad experiences to her father in Because of You. Sure he taught her how to "play on the safe side" but it was because he made it hard for her to trust herself and everyone else. Hopefully, that doesn't describe your own relationship with your dad.

At Quick Quick Slow we would love to get to know you and your father and help you pick the perfect song for your father-daughter dance. Contact us today so we can help you get started on an unforgettable dance for all the right reasons.