New Jersey dance lessons

Step into fun together with couples dance lessons!

Step into fun together with couples dance lessons!

As almost any couple you happen to ask can attest, couple's activities are awkward, repetitive, and boring. Couples mixers, putt-putt nights, movie nights, dinner -- there are only so many times these can catch and hold your attention and keep the romance alive. So if you're looking for something new in your relationship, why not try something exciting, different, and that will last for far longer than the time it takes to sit through a movie?

Why Dance is Great for Your Brain

Why Dance is Great for Your Brain

The physical benefits of dancing are abundant and obvious- it's a rare crossover of aerobic movement and fun/social elements. Working up a sweat while having fun and not trudging away on a treadmill is a pretty superb alternative.

Dance Lessons for Adults in New Jersey

Dance Lessons for Adults in New Jersey

Learning how to dance is something that many adults wish to do. Quick Quick Slow offers dance lessons for adults. We all notice the confidence that expert dancers have on the dance floor, and how beautiful their rhythm can be. Invest in yourself with adult dance lessons. Feel self-assured with our expert instruction in dance techniques that will have you swaying to the music and expressing yourself with ease.