The ABC's of Ballroom Dancing

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"A B C, easy as 1 2 3, are simple as do re mi..." 


Learning + Dancing + Music = Easy


You can hear it right there on the radio, warbling through the vocals of The Jackson 5. Transporting you back decades in time. Making you want to sway along with it's upbeat melody.


Ballroom dancing could easily be summed up with the same equation:


Learning + Dancing + Music = Easy


As centuries have passed, ballroom dancing has only become more and more popular, accessible, affordable, and easy to learn. Let's mind travel through time again through 1-2-3 centuries, to learn the A-B-C's of Ballroom Dancing! 


The ABC's of Ballroom Dancing


Although ballroom dancing was first documented Back in the 16th century and first popularized in Europe in the 17th Century, it was the 18th and 19th century when the founDations were laid for the ballroom dancing we know today. By the early 19th century, the Waltz was introducEd. Many other dances began to come to light and in the early 20th century, massive popularity Flowered in the US. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers danced their way into America's Heart, fostering acceptance and admiration for the pastIme. 


Starting as a perk only the wealthy enJoyed, ballroom dancing steadily became more accessible to and liKed by the masses as the centuries flew by. By the earLy 1920's Competition style began when sMall clubs in London started to hold single style daNce contests. People enjoyed it and in 1922 multiple style dancecompetitiOns began. This paved the way for professional dancers and for widely recognized comPetitions, like those we may see on TV today. 


Now, many dances fall under the term ballroom dancing, all of which consist of a leader and a follower dancing close together, usually touching. Dance Lessons have become wildly popular and often reQuested before big events, such as weddings and paRties. They also make great gift ideaS and a fun new hobby to parTake in. 


If ballroom dancing history soUnds cool, you should see it in action. Here at Quick Quick Slow dance studio, we are Very open to all dancers, from "just Watchers" to professional competitors, and any group size. We have classes suitable for all levels of eXperience and passion (or curiosity), including ballroom dance lessons, adult dance lessons, fitness dance classes, and social dancing. Contact us todaY to get started! We aim to amaZe you.