Benefits from Dancing

4 Reasons to Learn How to Ballroom Dance

After watching Meryl Davis and Charlie White skate to an amazing gold in ice dancing, you might be wondering how you can learn your own dance steps.  Although it takes years of dancing to achieve the grace and skills shown by Davis, White, and other Olympic level dancers, ballroom dancing can be an enjoyable activity once you have learned at least a few of the basic steps.

Five Ways Ballroom Dancing Lessons Can Improve Your Relationship

There's nothing quite like being in a relationship with someone you really enjoy being around. And things are only made better when you are able to share something special with that person. Learning a discipline, like ballroom dancing is the kind of activity that can really bring people together both mentally and physically. Here are five reasons

10 Reasons Men Should Take Dance Lessons

Let's face it guys, the dating scene has changed dramatically. No longer is dinner and a movie the norm. Women want to get out and be seen. If you're not willing or able to get out on the dance floor and really tear it up, women will see you as insecure. Don't be the lug, sitting at the bar all night, watching other people dance.

Dance Lessons-A Smart Investment In Your Total Health

Ed was in a car accident and suffered a brain injury. As he recuperated at home, he needed something to do with his spare time. His physical therapist suggested that he try dance lessons. Ed's first lesson was somewhat comical as he struggled to get his feet to cooperate with the dance instructor's instructions

Burn calories, get healthy with adult dance lessons

According to Diet Bites, a person weighing 150 pounds burns about 75 calories with 15 minutes of ballroom dancing. An hour of dancing uses enough energy to shed a tenth of a pound. Instead of burning calories in a gym, however, with adult dance lessons, you'll be learning a skill while having the opportunity to socialize and make new friends.

Dancing Through Life Lessons

Dancing Through Life Lessons

Dancing Through Life Lessons

In a small town in central PA resides a young at heart lady named Grace, who just celebrated her 101st birthday. She is known by most in her area as "Amazing Grace." Why is she so amazing? Because up until a few years ago, Grace entertained audiences everywhere with her dancing and elocution. Still bright and articulate, she fondly tells tales of dancing her way through the years, first with her sister in 1917, then with her two daughters and husband until his death in 1972, and lately with her daughter doing vaudeville type shows for local charities and community events. Up until 4 years ago, she closed every show by dancing the Charleston, much to the delight of her audience. Dancing is her legacy. She cannot separate her life memories from her dancing memories. From her first dance lesson at age 5 until today, Grace attributes her youthful attitude and good health to the joy she has received and given to others through a lifetime of entertaining and dance.

Dancing is great mind-body exercise and it's benefits can carry you through life contributing to your health in a way that is fun-not just for you but for those with whom and for whom you dance. Dance steps are like an exercise program for your brain while also improving your physical health and stamina. For the elderly who dance, circulation improves which in turn increases cognitive function and cuts down on "cross talking" in the brain that is caused by the degeneration of brain matter that occurs over time in the human brain.

According to Peak Health Advocate, "it appears that elderly people who engage in regular physical exercise experience far less of this brain cross-talk compared to sedentary seniors. In fact, on a number of measures, very active seniors seem to have brain response patterns more closely akin to young adults than their sedentary counterparts as was evident in the research study discussed here." Dancing embodies those types of movement that keep a brain healthy and young.

Everyone should, at some point during their life, take dance lessons. Like Grace discovered, they are beneficial and fun. And like her, you just may find a love that will enable you to dance through life.

To find out more about our dance lessons contact us today.

Dance lessons: the fun way to fight holiday weight gain!

It is that time of year again... Time for holiday parties at work, mom's delicious carb-heavy meals, cookie decorating and gingerbread house building, and pies. Oh, so many pies! Of course, the downside of all this holiday goodness is that many of us get an unwanted gift at this time of year: weight gain.

Healthy Living with Ballroom Dancing

We all know we need to exercise but working out at a gym can be intimidating, boring or expensive. Plus, with all equipment, the weights and all the different advice on working out, it’s hard to know what to do. But imagine if you could get the recommended amount of exercise, stay injury free and see results without ever having to walk into another gym.

Ballroom Dancing - Good for "Rhoda", Good for You

74 year-old "Rhoda" star Valerie Harper's appearance on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" would have been inspiring all by itself. But when you add the fact that her appearance on the show came on the heels of a diagnosis of brain cancer earlier this year, inspiring doesn't come close to adequately describing its potential impact for good.

Let's Get Social with Ballroom Dancing

Have you gone into a business lately, and felt the hustle and bustle of modern life. Everything is hurried, no time for social graces, conversation, touching, or even real human interaction. Fast food for dinner, atms, automated phone calls, chat roulette, internet dating...

 And what about dancing? The Harlem Shake? Gangnam Style? Twerking? Somehow it