Don't Forget the Daddy Daughter Dance!

Father daughter dance.

Father daughter dance.

Don't Forget the Daddy Daughter Dance!

The world is in the midst of a pandemic that has caused many spring weddings to be postponed. While this is inconvenient and frustrating for many brides, it can certainly be turned into a positive circumstance. Now you have time to make an extra special Daddy Daughter Dance! 

Virtual Lessons

Quick Quick Slow is now offering online dance lessons to make sure you have plenty of time to get ready for your big day and dance. Instead of worrying about social distancing, (or worse, embarrassing yourself in front of other dancers!) you can dance in the comfort and privacy of your home. 

Get Into The Groove

Many people think that ballroom dancing is all waltz and no fun. That is so not true! Ballroom dancing is graceful, yes, but it is also a great way to bond with your dad. 

A Great Workout

A healthy lifestyle includes plenty of movement. Maybe you want to drop a couple pounds to make sure your dress fits perfectly. Maybe dear old dad needs a healthy way to lose some weight and lower his blood pressure. Dancing can do all of this and more! Dancing totally counts as exercise but let's face it, it's way more fun than kicking, punching, and sweating yourself to better health. Instead, you can box step, strut, and twirl your way to beauty and grace. 

Timeless Memories

We all have busy lifestyles these days and it can be hard to squeeze in family time. Taking dancing lessons with your family and friends is a great way to spend time together and get everyone feeling great about hitting the dance floor. And if you want to keep your Daddy Daughter Dance a surprise, this is a great way to make memories with your dad that will last your lifetimes. That's something special that can never be replaced. 

Let's Get Started

For more information on ourl lessons, please check out our get started page.  Whether you're ready to start strutting your stuff or you are still curious about what you're getting yourself into, contact us now and let's start making some memories!