Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio

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Planning Tips to Remember Before Taking Wedding Dance Lessons

Planning Tips to Remember Before Taking Wedding Dance Lessons

Your wedding day is approaching fast and you can feel the butterflies in your stomach already. Planning a wedding can be nerve-wracking but you are likely even more nervous if you or your spouse still don't feel comfortable out on the dance floor. Luckily, the experts at Quick Quick Slow Ballroom Dance Studio are here to help. Here's a quick guide for how to prepare for your wedding dance lessons if you want your first session to go as smoothly as possible.

Brainstorm Songs in Advance

It won't be much of a dance without any music playing. While your dancing instructor can make some suggestions, you should arrive at your first lesson with a list of potential songs in mind. Talk to your partner about which song you would like for your first dance as a couple and then build the list from there. It can also help your dance instructor if you know the exact layout of the dance space.

One Slow Dance or an Entire Routine?

Are you looking to do an entire dance routine in front of your family and friends? If so, you'll need a playlist of multiple songs to help you pull it off. One idea is to start off with one slow dance but then break out into a dance extravaganza. Try to pick songs that show off your personality as a couple. If you really want to ramp things up, consider bringing in some members of the wedding party to choreograph a group dance together.

Bring Your Wedding Attire

It can help your nerves a great deal if you do a test run while wearing some of your wedding attire during your dance lessons. Consider bringing the shoes you will wear on your big day. While the bride might not want to put her entire dress on, she can still wear her veil to help set the mood.

Start Early and Practice Often

For best results, start planning your wedding dance well in advance and book multiple dance lessons in the days leading up to the event. Contact the experts at Quick Quick Slow today to get started.